Patriots Run OH
Patriots Run OH

Welcome to the Patriots Run Ohio Chapter

America has more voter fraud and stolen elections than many third-world countries, and all of this has happened because Democrats took control of key positions and our Republican leaders in office were too weak to do their jobs. As a result our state political offices, and our Presidency, has been stolen from us. The Patriots Run Project was started to help conscious conservatives stand up and hold the elites in both parties and save our nation from destruction.

Why We Stand

Welcome to the Patriots Run Project’s Buckeye Chapter, a voice for the conservative movement in Ohio. We stand for the values that have made our great state and nation prosper, and we’re dedicated to upholding those principles in the face of a growing Uniparty threat. Our mission is to empower citizens and provide resources to protect our rights, communities, and the values that define us as Ohioans and Americans.

What is the Uniparty & How are they harming America?

The Uniparty is the cabal of elites occupying powerful positions in both the Democrat and Republican Parties, who operate to serve globalist interests of their anti-American corporate interests rather than hard-working, traditional American families.

They work together behind the scenes, destroying our values. This dangerous alliance is harming our country by eroding our national identity, undermining our democracy, and stifling meaningful political debate. We believe it’s time to restore integrity to our political system and prioritize the needs of everyday citizens.

Our Values


A healthy democracy relies on free and fair elections. Unfortunately, election fraud has become an increasingly pressing concern in recent years. From irregularities in the ballot-counting process to questionable voter registration practices, these issues threaten the very foundation of our nation. We’re committed to exposing and combating election fraud to ensure the integrity of our democratic process in Ohio and across the country.


Our nation was founded on the principles of liberty and individual rights. We must work tirelessly to protect our constitutional rights, including freedom of speech, the right to bear arms, and religious freedom. We are dedicated to defending these rights against encroachment from the Uniparty and special interest groups, ensuring that Ohio remains a beacon of liberty for future generations.


Life is a precious gift, and we believe in the sanctity of every human life from conception to natural death. As Ohioans, we stand firm in our commitment to defend the rights of the unborn and advocate for pro-life policies that reflect our shared values.


The actions of extremist groups like ANTIFA and BLM have caused chaos in our communities and threatened the safety of our citizens. We must stand against violence, destruction, and divisive rhetoric, instead promoting constructive dialogue and the rule of law. It’s time to rebuild our cities and bring Ohioans together for a safer, stronger future.


The rise of medical tyranny, fueled by government overreach and the suppression of dissenting voices, poses a threat to our individual rights and freedoms. We’re committed to exposing instances of medical tyranny and advocating for informed choice, personal autonomy, and the preservation of our rights to make healthcare decisions for ourselves and our families.

We Need You


We believe that conservative values are the key to a thriving, prosperous Ohio. By running for office, conservatives can play an active role in shaping our communities and ensuring that our state remains true to its founding principles. We encourage conservatives in Ohio to step up, get involved, and make a difference by running for local, state, and federal positions. Together, we can preserve our heritage and build a brighter future for all Ohioans.

Now our very way of life is under threat, assaulted from all sides. We must open our eyes and face the tyranny already occupying our government offices. It’s time to rise, it’s time to run. Learn more about our growing movement by reaching out.